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  • Writer's pictureSamantha Jimenez

Implementation Outline

High School Dance ePortfolios: Implementation Outline

Phase 1 – Preparation: July – September 2023

1. Establish goals and objectives

· What days will we be physically dancing and which days will we work digitally

2. Share plan with School Administrators

· Explain and ask for permission to implement the pilot to my dance classes and the idea to expand to my enrichment (SEL) class once a week.

3. Materials

· Chromebooks

Phase 2 – Planning: September-December 2023

1. Revisit set goals and objectives

· Grades and Checkpoints

· Establish deadlines

2. Platforms students will use

· Students will have a choice between Google Sites, Wix, WordPress, Weebly

3. Devices 1:1

· Students will use cellphones and school assigned Chromebooks.

4. Projects and assignments that students will complete

· Peer critique on dances

· Reflection posts

· Beginning middle and end of the year growth

· About Me section

a. Family

b. Dance experience if any

c. Future plans

· Interactive notebook for notes throughout the year.

5. Example ePortfolio

· Include a guideline for students to follow

Phase 3 – Pilot Implementation: January-May 2024

1. Introduce all 9th grade dance classes (excluding drill team) using my example Eportfolio

· Show other examples of ePortfolios

2. Inform students that they will be creating their own

· Benefits of having their own

· Full ownership and creativity

· Explain C(choice) O(ownership) V(voice) A (authentic learning) - I am here to help, but this is THIERS.

· Rubric

a. Did they take ownership of their learning

b. Did they utilize choice when creating

c. Did they use their voice by participating

d. Were they open to feedback and reflect

· Discuss deadlines

3. Begin EPortfolios: January 2024

4. Monitor and evaluate

· Monthly

Phase 4 – Reflect and Adjust: May 2024

· Present ePortfolios to Administration

· Create a survey for students

· Adjust areas that need improvement regarding implementation

· Discuss full reflection with Admin

· Revisit Idea of expanding to Enrichment class period

Phase 5 – Expand to Enrichment Class Period: August 2024-May 2025

1. Begin implementing on the first day/week of school

2. Use Pilot guideline from dance class.

3. Ask a specific/ core content Teacher (Math/Science ect..) to work with me.

4. Teacher(s) of willing content will create their own eportfolio

5. Hold meetings with those teachers monthly to monitor project and adjust if needed.

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