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All about my E-Portfolio

This program (ADL) has forced me to think and apply different learning concepts. I am still getting used tobeing in charge of my own learning and ensuring tha tI am creating authentic work. I have leanred to give myself grace and remain welocming to new ideas and change. My Innovation Plan and my Blogs are just two examples of my authentic creations. I am working, but well on my way, to a learner's mindset. This is partly because I was responsible for creating a Growth Mindset Plan. I am thankful for this program because I now take pride in my learning while being able to document my progress by adding everything to my Eportfolio. I already see how much I have grown while simultaneously finding ways to imporve. If you would like to see someof my learning, pleae feel free to click on the links on this page. 

Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset is essential to learning. We cannot allow ourselves to stop ourselves from reaching our potential. Take a look below at how I plan to promote a growth mindset in my classroom.

Learning Manifesto

Click below to explore my learning manifesto. This is an outline of what my path to teaching was like, and what I hope to inspire, educate and nurture my students to believe about themselves. 

Learning Network

Click below to see my learning network! 

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