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CreateSignificant Learning Environments


Prior to taking this class, whenever I thought of my classroom culture or environment I thought of what things looked like on the surface. For example, I would likely name where everyone would sit, and everything that is available and accessible in my room. Now, I find myself more aware and careful of my choices and putting myself if my students' shoes more often when presenting new information. Let's take a look at my journey in EDLD 5313.

The first assignment that I completed was A New Culture of Learning. This was probably one of the most challenging assignments for me as I shared ways on how I plan on implementing change in a way that enhances learning and growth. Welcoming change and allowing COVA are vital parts in my learning environment. I feel that after all each assignment that I complete, I learn more about myself and what I believe.

In my Learning Philosophy, which was my second assignment, I learned and explained how to create a space for all types of learners and connecting them. I also learned of the beliefs of the different learning theories and connect with many of them, however, I connect with constructivism the most.  

In my next assignments, I developed a BHAG, "students will create an authentic e-portfolio that will show their progress in dance I class throughout the year, their collaboration with their peers, their creativity as an individual, and their reflection on themselves as a learner," and a 3 column table that would allow me to work backwards to ensure my lessons were aligned. The UbD template assignment was different from my 3 column table because it requires more detail on specific goals for learning. Both the 3 column table and the UbD allow you to start with the end in mind.

The last assignment of this course was to revisit our previous Growth Mindset Plan from EDLD 5302 and created a revised version of it. There were a few things that I added to my original plan, like more focus on the power of YET, feedback/feedforward, and being the daily example of having a growth mindset. All of those components were were included in the original plan, but as this ADL Program continues, I see room for growth and revision. I know my plan will only continue to grow and change as time continues. 

My Innovation Plan, just like my Growth Mindset Plan, continues to change. While a challenge, taking these courses while teaching keeps me focused on my goal as an education. CSLE has helped me realize that while ePortfolios are my focus as a new skill for my students to learn, It is still only a tool that is supposed to enhance their learning experiences regarding dance.

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