I am learning that to be successful in the ADL program, you must have a growth mindset. Growing up, I was an EXTREME people pleaser. If there was ever a time where I felt that I wasn't going to be the best at something, I would have severe anxiety and shut down. I had to make sure that every rule put in place was followed perfectly, I needed to have the perfect grades, and it didn't matter if I really didn't understand, I would never admit it.
Fast forward, I am an educator and have two children of my own. I have noticed that many of my students and one of my children have a fixed mindset. If there is ever a time where they feel that they won't be the best, or feel challeged a little more than normal, they do not want to try or give it their all. My other child and a couple of my students that have a growth mindset look at challenges as intersting and exciting. I do believe that you can encourage change from fixed mindset to growth mindset, because I changed myself.
Growth mindset is someone that loves learning. They welcome challenges and problems and beleive that they can become better at something that was difficult in the beginning.
Fixed mindset is someone that avoids conflict and wants to take the easy road out of an issue. They do not believe that they can become better at anything and are afraid to try.
I say that I changed myself from having a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, and the perfect example I have of that is the fact that I am still in the ADL prgoram. I will say that I was completely overwhelemed when I first started this course. Again, I as a recovering people pleaser, not really knowing what my professor wants to see was driving me crazy. The COVA approach to learning was something that I wasn't used to. I was nervous, but I didn't think about giving up. I knew that in the end, I would be stronger and more knowledgable for my students, my children and myself. I also have to believe that it is possible to change your mindset, because it absolutely breaks my heart when my children are afraid to try or mess up. Everything I do is for them! I will always lead by example.
If you have times, check out this video explaining the differences between growth and fixed mindsets.
Sprouts. (2016, April 15). Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset. Www.youtube.com. https://youtu.be/KUWn_TJTrnU
It is really inspiring to hear that you are being intentional about switching from a fixed to a growth mindset, that itself shows you have the beginnings of a growth mindset! You are an excellent example to your students and children who currently have a fixed mindset because they will see that it's never too late to make a decision to change, learn, and grow to be an even better version of yourself.