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Writer's pictureSamantha Jimenez

Better Than Before

What was at first uncomfortable for me, now feels like a necessity all of the time! I look forward to receiving feedforward information from my group. My group consists of Tosha, Mistee, and Stephanie. After looking at each other’s outlines, we gave feedback to each other and thought of ideas that would help us all. We decided to use a rubric that focused on Content (20points), Organization (10points) Clarity and Coherence (8points) Development of Ideas (8points) and Mechanics (4points) -totaling 50 possible points in all.

 Content: Evaluate the completeness and accuracy of the content in the rough draft, including whether all required elements are present and well-developed.

Organization: Assess the structure and coherence of the rough draft, looking at how effectively ideas are presented and how well the document flows from one section to the next.

Clarity and Coherence: Consider the clarity of the writing and the coherence of the ideas presented in the rough draft. Evaluate whether the writing is clear, concise, and easy to understand.

Development of Ideas: Evaluate the depth and thoroughness of the ideas presented in the rough draft, including whether ideas are well-supported with evidence, examples, and details.

Mechanics: Assess the quality of the writing mechanics, including grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure.

My average score for my rough draft was: 45/50

It was suggested that I elaborate on how I plan on guiding the learning of ePortfolios, and include more examples for those that don’t know much about them.

There are many areas that I look forward to growing in and I am thankful for my collaborative group and their understanding of my personal situation I recently went through. I appreciate the time they took to work with me, and I value their input. It helps me want to be a better educator, student, and friend.

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