Installing the 4 Disciplines of Execution
The 4 Disciplines of Execution help us to focus on our goals by setting attainable, smaller, goals that keep us moving forward with change. Many times, we lose sight of what the big picture is because of the craziness or, "whirlwind", of our daily lives.
As educators, we have so many tasks that all seem equally important and we can get lost, or pulled, into directions that no longer support the execution of our end goal. In order for me to remain calm and avoid feeling overwhelmed, I need to keep the WIG in mind and lead my students by example. I plan to review my to help me remember my Why and WIG!
Below, you will see the 4 disciplines and how they will be useful in successfully implementing e-portfolios in the high school dance class setting.
5 Stages of Change
Discipline 1
Focus on the Wildly Important
I want to improve student participation and creativity by using eportoflios in the classroom. I feel that this will also improve their digital literacy skills and knowledge Below is my wildly important goal (WIG) to keep us on track!
WIG: 90% of my high school dance students will create authentic eportfolios to showcase their growth, improve their communication and enhance creativity.
Discipline 2
Act on Lead Measures
Lead measures are what make our WIGS happen. It's imortant to know what soecifically to look at and when.
Lead Measure are:
1. Student learning: guiding and/or modeling how to create eportfolios
2. Check-ins and setting targets to stay on track
3. Accountibility buddies to improve communication
4. How to reflect on learning
5. Show administration progress
Discipline 3
Keep a Compelling Scoreboard
I have realized that being fully transparent with everyone is a great way to keep conflict, confusion and failure low. Having a visible goal sheet/scoreboard lets the students gain a sense of accountabilty and pride in their progress. I plan on allowing students to update their score sheet themselves weekly.
Discipline 4
Create a Cadence of Accountability
I plan on having accountability check-in swith students and administrators. I would assign team challenges, ask others to comment on their classmates' reflection pieces and also plan together.