A Call to Action!
Throughout my teaching career, I have wondered why we have had to sit through hours of professional development about things we shouldn't do in the classroom to improve engagement... while we slowly became disengaged as the hours went by. I would also sit and try to figure out how the information was relevant to my classroom! While, yes, we are professionals and adults, we are also human and learners. Teachers need to feel supported, and coached and be able to actively participate in their learning as well!
I would like to create a professional learning course to show not only how to implement e-portfolios into the dance. arts classroom , but to also show how it is relevant and connected to our students' futures. Eportfolios are a great tool that documents student growth, progress, and success throughout the year. The professional learning will offer coaching, guidance, modeling and support throughout the year. This way, teacher and students will feel confident in their classroom.
When implementing, the learning will not simply be a two day training, but an 8 week course.
During this 8 weeks, teachers will:
.Learn concepts, and benefits of utilizing eportfolios in the high school classroom setting.
Navigate and experiment with different platforms such as WIX
Learn the steps for implementing eportfolios with students
Observe modeling on how to supports students
Collaborate with their peers and coaches
Reflect on their learning
To create this call to action, I used PowerPoint presentation, used the voice recording feataure and then converted the slides into a video. I also wrote a script on Microsoft word.
​Gulamhussein, A. (2013). Teaching the Teachers Effective Professional Development in an Era of High Stakes Accountability. Center for Public Education. Retrieved from http://www.centerforpubliceducation.org/system/files/2013-176_ProfessionalDevelopment.pdf