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Planning the Alternative Professional Learning 

While I believe that using e-portolios in my high school dance classroom is beneficial to the students in many different ways,  I believe that this could also be useful in all fine arts classrooms. In order for that to happen, the fine arts teachers would need to create an e-portfolio for themselves in order to effectively teach their students. I will use the strategies that I’ve learned from a previous course I have taken at Lamar University called creating change in an organization. The professional learning sessions will begin with the introduction of eportfolios and why they are needed. Just like with students, I believe that "Educators" need to know and understand the reasoning behind learning in order to be truly engaged.


I will hold one session each month from July until October.

By then end of October, I will have a pilot team that will start creating their e-portfolio through Google Classroom. This will be an 6 week course where in person and online meetings will be held. By January, the pilot teachers will be ready to implement e-portfolios in their classrooms and have students begin creating theirs. I will continue to support each teacher one on one as needed and a group meeting monthly.


Significant and on going:

For phase 1, I will meet with teachers in person and online. When the 6 week course begins in November, I will have in person meetings/sessions once a week. For phase 3, after the course, I will still offer both in-person, online and a monthly meeting.


Support during implementation:

Collaboration is key! It must be consistent with the learner and the teacher. The learner will be able to ask any questions they have through the online course, and will also have the opportunity to get help during the monthly meetings and in person meetings as needed.



There will be weekly tasks concerning e-portflios. These tasks will require the learners to actively participate. When the learners have completed their e-portfolios, they will still be actively supporting their students as they begin creating their own.



During in-person sessions, instructors will model different activities, as well as refresh the previously learned tasks. Once the learners begin implementing the e-portfolios to their students, learners can still request meetings where modeling can occur in the classroom.


Specific to Discipline:


The 6 week course is designed for teachers and any adult at the High School that wants to create an educational e-portfolio. Once they complete the course, they can implement it in their own classroom. The learners will work backwards using Fink’s 3 -Column table and BHAG (Big hairy Audacious Goal) to plan out the learning as an aid.
















Resources needed:



Google Classroom

Course resources


How will you foster collaboration?

During the in-person and online meetings, the instructor will model how to build different areas of the e-portfolio and then also what implementation of the e-portfolios will look like.


How will you foster self-directed learning?

Leaners will begin the program knowing that they will have to give themselves a grade (like we do here at Lamar University) and really reflect on their learning. They will also have to complete their weekly tasks.

Who will lead what components? I will lead the meetings, and course work until others finish the course.


Audience and their needs: The audience will be high school fine arts teachers. I chose fine arts to begin with because I work closely with them all anyway. However, I do believe that all secondary teachers and their students could benefit from this course.



E-portfolio Course Timeline

Week 1

  • Welcome

  • Call to Action

  • Introduction of Participants/learners

  • Course calendar

  • Syllabus

  • Discuss meeting times

Week 2

  • Why E-portfolios in Dance/fine arts classrooms?

  • Call to Action again

  • E-portfolio benefits and examples

  • 1st weekly task: Choose platform and create ABOUT ME page

Week 3

  • Check that everyone has their platform selected and created their about me page. Assist those that need it.

  • C.O.V.A – how do E-portfolios support this?

  • Discuss how this could benefit your students (group discussion)

  • Write 1st Blog (weekly task)

  • Model how to post blog

Week 4

  • Discussion: Share E-Portfolio with others.

  • Feedforward for 2 classmates (weekly task)

  • Receive feedforward from instructor

Week 5

  • Group by subject

  • Address any issues or concerns

  • Model how to create a page on e-portfolio

  • Create a page about your subject for parents and students (weekly task)

Week 6

  • Reflect on your e-portfolio

  • Self-evaluation and (contributions to your learning) included it on e-portfolio . Submit e-portfolio (weekly task)


After course is complete, teachers may ask /schedule for help through the online course.

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